We are very much opposed to the proposed closure and selling off of Unsworth Library which is a tremendous asset to the local community and is very well used by all age groups.

There are numerous groups and activities held in the library such as the toy library, rhyme time, story time and holiday activities for children, Also there are online computer courses and the use of computers which are vital in assisting with searching for employment, homework and research. Pupils from local schools benefit from visiting the library. As well as the enjoyment of reading, people can also enjoy music and films, by hiring cds and dvds.

There is a well attended adult reading group. The library also provides useful information on lots of community and council services, and provides photocopying, scanning and fax services.

It is also used by the local community for meetings including councillors' surgeries and health activities. It is a safe place for elderly and vulnerable people to spend time in the library reading papers.

Once again elderly and vulnerable people are being penalised as they will find it difficult to travel to other libraries, especially during periods of bad weather.

We know that there will be further job cuts and people will need to use the library more. The staff are extremely helpful with advice and assistance.

We are campaigning to save Unsworth Library.

There will be a public consultation meeting on the cuts to be held this month and details will be advertised.

We urge all those opposed to this cut to go to this meeting to make their voices heard. We do not want our library to become yet another retail outlet!

In the meantime readers can write in to protest about this dreadful cut to Mark Sanders, Chief Executive, Bury Council, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury BL9 0SW.

Ann Audin and Joan Grimshaw Labour Councillors Unsworth Ward